The Bodhisattva Experiment Cassette

The Bodhisattva Experiment includes 19 songs only available via this limited edition cassette. Each cassette includes a digital download of the album.

Never before released songs and early versions of songs recorded by Trevor Hall while he was still in high school! These songs will not be released through any other medium. Created in a different time, it felt right to release it in a format of a different time. We hope you cherish these poems and reflections and feel the rawness of Trevor's Bodhisattva Experiment!


it was spring of 2003. i was in my sophomore year of high school at an arts boarding school in california. i walked in to my best friend sam's dorm room and saw a picture of a man on the wall. it was a photo of an indian saint named Neem Karoli Baba, also known as "Maharajji." sam handed me a book about him called "Miracle of Love" and the rest is history ... that night my river changed its course.

what followed was a creative explosion. my world was on fire with love and passion for the spiritual quest and the way i navigated it all was through sound. i downloaded a simple recording platform on my laptop called hiphop ejay. i didn't know anything about recording at that time. i didn't have any expensive equipment. most of the songs were recorded through my laptop's built-in microphone. but i didn't care. songs poured out of me ... not so much to make an album but more so to explore my new found love for Maharajji and the world he opened me up to.

i compiled these songs into an album called "The Bodhisattva Experiment" which i never planned on releasing. every album has its time ... 15 plus years later, on the last full moon of the decade, from my dorm room desk to you, here it is : THE BODHISATTVA EXPERIMENT.


The Path to Enlightenment with Trevor Hall | Review


Spring Tour 2020